Foto di Alexander Mils su
In the last few months, the process of institutional transparency about the UFO/UAP phenomenon in the U.S. that goes by the name of Disclosure, which began in late 2017 with the historic New York Times article, has suffered two rather heavy blows
The historic December 16, 2017 New York Times article that started the Disclosure process [from]
The first took place in the U.S. Capitol building. The so-called Schumer Amendment to the National Defense Activities Authorization Act for Fiscal Year 2024 (or NDAA24) suffered an ambush from which it emerged so depowered
as to be almost completely useless.
The second is the release of the first part of the Historical Report on U.S. Government Implications with UFO/UAP, prepared by the Pentagon's AARO office as mandated by the National Defense Activities Authorization
Act of 2023 (or NDAA23).
Both events have had a negative effect on the Disclosure process in the U.S., where the former has affected the substance, while the latter has had a more subtle effect, acting on the way the media - at least the mainstream media
- report the process, exerting a subtle negative influence on the narrative they render to the public, if not inhibiting it.
These notes are intended to take stock of the Disclosure process as of April 2024 and clarify a key issue in the process, for the benefit of those new to the issue.
First of all, it must be said that the counterattack mentioned at the beginning must be seen as a response to an 'attack' consisting of a complaint filed with the Inspector General of the Ministry of Defense by David Grusch in 2021.
David C. Grusch with some of his decorations [from].
In his complaint, Grusch, a decorated military officer first and intelligence officer later, related several UAP-related serious facts. He recounted that in the course of his service as an intelligence officer he was able to carry
out a series of personal 'from the inside' investigations over several years, through which he was able to ascertain that elements of the U.S. Intelligence Community have long been carrying out operations aimed at the recovery/capture
of UAPs and their reverse-engineering for military supremacy purposes with the collaboration of defense industries.
These operations would result in the recovery or capture of a number of vehicles (read UAPs) as well as the bodies of their occupants. Moreover, according to Grusch, and this is the most serious fact, these operations have been (or are being)
carried out for decades in a clandestine manner, that is, intentionally removed from the supervision of military chains of command and constitutional bodies, namely the U.S. Congress. The whole thing would be carried out
under very high conditions of secrecy. In addition to this, which in itself configures substantial criminal liability, other collateral but still very serious facts would be added, such as the illicit diversion of public funds to finance
such covert programs, as well as acts of intimidation/repression to maintain secrecy at all costs, up to and including actual murders.
These operations have allegedly been run for many decades now by a kind of gray entity, a network of circles belonging to the Intelligence Community but also to the U.S. military, and defense industries.
A gray entity that operates clandestinely by secretly making autonomous decisions unbeknownst to military commanders, Congress and the public on an issue of colossal importance, the consequences of which extend far beyond the
United States to affect virtually all of Earth's humanity.
Grusch initially revealed this information in 2021 to the DoD Inspector General on a classified form. However, this information also reached those who it should not have. This caused Grusch various problems in the form of heavy intimidation
and threats, both bureaucratic and physical, as a result of which he filed a complaint with the Inspector General of the Intelligence Community in May 2022.
The complaint filed by David Grusch with the Inspector General of the Intelligence Community on May 25, 2022 [from]
In his public utterances, Grusch made it clear that he was never personally involved in any of the activities he reported. He also reported that when, during his active service in intelligence, he tried to obtain specific information about such activities (specifically the salvage and retroengineering programs), he received an explicit denial. He did, however, specify that in the course of confidential briefings given to Congress he gave names, surnames of people and names and addresses of companies involved.
These facts about Grusch were first made known to the public by questo articolo di
Following this article, most of the media gave prominence, often in sensationalist tones, to the fact that Grusch exposed the existence of UFOs understood to be alien vehicles, whose occupants' bodies were also allegedly found. Of course, the fact that bodies of nonhuman biological entities and their non-terrestrial vehicles have been recovered is sensational in itself, but what motivated Grusch is the desire to expose an institutional dysfunction so serious as to undermine at its foundations the functioning of U.S. democracy.
It is barely worth mentioning here that what Grusch stated is certainly not new. Just to mention a few cases among many, Dr. Steven Greer had already exposed these facts some 30 years ago with his Disclosure Project.
Dr. Steven M. Greer, creator of the Disclosure Project [from]
Col. Philip Corso book [from]
Bob Lazar with a sketch of the alien vehicle he claims to have worked on [from]
Only the ufologists have taken them into consideration, knowing full well that so many elements repeated for so long cannot fail to have a minimum of reality behind them. As the saying goes, if there is smoke some roast there must be.
But the most important fact is that the complaint that Grusch filed with the Office of the Inspector General of the U.S. Intelligence Community in 2022 reporting what he had already reported to the Inspector General of the Ministry of Defense and the heavy intimidation and threats on a personal level that he had suffered, was upheld and rated "credible and urgent." At the time of writing it is known, by Grusch's explicit statement, that the investigation proceedings for the threats he suffered are ongoing, and being classified there is of course no news on the matter. It is also unknown whether the Inspector General of the Intelligence Community or other agencies has, or have, begun any investigation into the main strand of the complaint filed by Grusch.
It should also be noted that quite a few figures in the military/intelligence sphere have come forward to corroborate what Grusch said, who repeated and confirmed under oath his claims at a congressional hearing in June 2023.
David Grusch during his sworn deposition to the U.S. Congress [from]
Now let's look in more detail at how the counterstrike developed.
The battlefield of the first counterattack action has been the legislative process of the Defense Activities Authorization Act for Fiscal Year 2024 (or NDAA24). A substantial amendment had been submitted to this important bill that was the result of an effort to create measures to reduce the classification of UFO/UAP information. A bipartisan group of senators headed by Senate Majority Whip Sen. Chuck Schumer had drafted a comprehensive, organic and very well-structured set of rules that was supposed to have the main effect of reducing the classification of UFO/UAP information, which is the most serious problem of all that hinders the unfolding of the Disclosure process. In addition to this, the regulations provided for a strengthening of the whistleblowers protection mechanism as well as granted the U.S. government the power of expropriation (or Eminent Domain) over any material, 'exotic' artifact, or biological find that is in any capacity in private hands.
Senator Chuck Schumer, Senate Majority Whip [from]
The second counterstrike action was the publication of the first part of the 'Historical Report' prepared by the AARO Office, the office created by Congress to be run jointly by Intelligence and Defense for the purpose of investigating from a military perspective the UAP phenomenon. It should be noted that the Historical Report does not result from the goodwill and diligence of the AARO as some media outlets have wanted to make it appear, but from a precise legal provision contained in the NDAA23 law.
Much has already been said about the first part of the Historical Report of the AARO Office and I do not wish to delve into the details here. Rather, I wish to make a general remark about the way the Report has been treated by the media. Indeed, the overwhelming majority of the mass media has been pushing the message "the Pentagon's UFO Office finds no trace of aliens, recovered UFOs or retroengineering programs."
Now, glossing over various historical inaccuracies in the Report, which omits key documents and even gets the date of Kenneth Arnold's sighting wrong, it must be noted that the document goes to great lengths in insisting that no evidence of UFO artifacts in government possession, alien presences, or even salvage/capture and retroengineering programs have been found.
It is important to note here that virtually none of the major media outlets subjected the Report to independent scrutiny, let alone critical scrutiny, and in any case the point made above remains: the media focused on the fact that no UFOs or retroengineering programs were found, but virtually no one made it clear that the essence of the argument is that Grusch exposed serious wrongdoing in the military and intelligence community. Malfeasance that requires investigation by entities external to the Pentagon and the Intelligence Community with formal, subpoena investigative powers as the AARO Office certainly is not.
It should also be noted that before being published, the Report was previewed behind closed doors to a select few journalists. One wonders the reasons behind such treatment, which is not entirely common.
Be that as it may, if it is true that this gray entity operating on UFOs/UAPs evading congressional oversight for decades exists, for sure it is not going to go and tell the AARO about it. The credibility of the Pentagon investigating itself is minimal, all the more so considering the gravity of what Grusch denounced.
An additional consideration to note in this regard is the influence that the publication of the first part of the AARO's Historical Report has had on Disclosure. For the past several months, the mainstream U.S. media, and likewise virtually all others in the 'Western world,' have been very quiet, avoiding publishing news about UAP and Disclosure. While this could be the effect of the Historical Report, which 'proved' how there would be very little substance in this UFO/UAP business, so much so that it is not worth following it, it is by no means to be ruled out that it is the effect of a specific media pressure activity. Intelligence agencies routinely exert influences on all kinds of media according to their agendas. Now that the anti-Disclosure US intelligence faction has gone in counterattack mode, it is very likely that influencing the media against the Disclosure process and the UAP discourse is one of their main counterattack weapons. Please note that this is not about conspiracy here. Those who are aware of how the intelligence services work know that targeted influences on the media are a daily part of their activities.
What can we make of all this that we have seen, then? The first and most important point that can be made is that clearly the Disclosure process has opponents. Traces of this state of affairs had been visible for some time, but now it is clear that there are forces in the U.S. that oppose the process of institutional transparency on UAPs. Although they cannot be expected to be clearly visible, from the way the recent events described above have unfolded it is logical to assume that they are to be found in certain organs of the intelligence, military, and defense industries, not coincidentally those that have been drawn into Grusch's complaint. And it is precisely this overt action of active opposition to Disclosure that speaks in Grusch's favor. If this were not so, and what Grusch denounced was just a heap of hearsay with no basis in fact, then why should we have witnessed these maneuvers against Disclosure? Why would members of Congress resort to such conspicuous maneuvers over a matter with no basis?
I have expanded on these matters because I want readers to fully understand how complicated the situation of everything related to the UFO/UAP phenomenon and Disclosure is.
It is therefore totally naive and unrealistic to expect that the Disclosure process can proceed smoothly and in a clearly understandable manner, as is the case with 'normal' procedures.
There is a matter of high strangeness involved such as the UFO/UAP phenomenon, which is difficult in itself to understand and accept.
There are very serious issues at stake. At this point there must be someone somewhere who is deeply concerned about the possible legal consequences of the wrongdoing that threatens to put him behind bars, and others who must be concerned about the possible loss of investment and sources of profit, not to mention the serious image damage to individuals but also institutions and or companies.
There are Intelligence services involved. One very important thing to always keep in mind is that the intelligence services are on the hook in this matter because, like it or not, they are the ones who have [always had] the whole UFO/UAP issue in their hands and they are the ones who are running the show. And when these entities are in the picture, one can never expect clarity in the form of certain acts, statements, official documents and communications, conferences and press releases. Just things that appear as if out of nowhere, with no apparent logic, but only after some time make the presence of some underlying plan shine through.
Moreover, we must keep in mind that there are two factions within the U.S. intelligence community, one opposed to Disclosure and one in its favor. The pro-Disclosure faction has always been in the minority and has only in the last few years been able to turn things around, probably thanks to the purges in the intelligence sector carried out by President Trump. It is thanks to this faction that we are where we are today. The faction opposed to Disclosure however remains quite strong and continues to actively oppose the process. This contrast of course is inaccessible to the public, but it helps muddy the waters a bit more, adding to the lack of understanding.
At this point, it is appropriate and instructive to dwell a bit to give an educational example of what happens when intelligence services are involved.
Dr. Howard P. Robinson [Caltech Archives - from]
The Robertson Panel then recommended that measures needed to be taken-acting covertly, of course-to reduce public interest in UFOs as much as possible.
Soon then, out of the blue, eminent figures in the scientific, military, institutional and media fields appeared in the U.S., discrediting the phenomenon on TV, radio, movies, in books and newspapers, explaining to the unsuspecting public that UFOs did not exist, were just hallucinations or bad interpretations of well-known celestial objects or vehicles, that those who claimed to see them were drunk, drugged or demented. Of course, the public, who could not suspect the good faith of these respectable, competent and authoritative figures, could do nothing but take these things they were being told and told again and behave accordingly. So did the heads of entities and organizations that might be affected by UFOs/UAPs, such as airlines. Thus began the era of discrediting the UFO/UAP phenomenon with the consequences well known to all connoisseurs of the phenomenon.
USA 1966, the CBS broadcast UFO: Friends, Foe or Fantasy by popular anchorman Walter Cronkite is an example of the artful operation to discredit the UFO phenomenon following the recommendations of the Robertson Panel
[from the UFO Timeline Project YouTube channel].
What we learned from this case study is that, as long as the Disclosure process remains in the hands of the intelligence services, it is futile to expect clarity in the form of public acts, official statements, reports, press releases and the like, because that is simply not the modus operandi of these entities.
Returning to comments on the current situation, the only prediction that seems logical to make at this point is that we will continue to be confronted with a fait accompli, witnessing the unfolding of events of various kinds that will make their unexpected appearance. Then, as the Disclosure process is taken over by actors other than the intelligence services, such as institutional and academic circles, the unfolding of the process will probably take a more 'normal' turn if one can call it that, and only then will we be able to watch it unfold according to a succession of 'normal', that is, open, public, and official, events.
However, the political will to pursue the path of UAP transparency in U.S. congressional circles exists and persists, and on a bipartisan basis, so it is safe to assume that the path of the Disclosure process will continue and will continue to be supported by the pro-Disclosure Intelligence faction as opposed to the anti-Disclosure faction. In the development of this process we will likely see more ambushes, skirmishes and battles. Some will be won, some will be lost. All of these are time-consuming, to which must be added the plague of classification, which afflicts virtually all UAP documents/records in the possession of the U.S. government, delaying even further the whole process of transparency on UAPs, which is already slow in itself.
For those who are new to this subject
Finally, I would like to provide an extremely important recommendation to those who have recently approached the subject of Disclosure: if you have had the patience to follow me up to this point I hope you will have understood that while it is possible to identify broadly a trend in the process, it is well legitimate to say that the matter is really very complex and unclear. I've seen far too many people look out, watch for a while, and shortly thereafter walk away outraged, feeling cheated for being pushed into a topic that seemed exciting while it turned out to be fumbling, campy, complicated and, worst of all, inconclusive.
While understandable, this complaint is unfounded. This is because as long as 99.9 percent of UFO/UAP material in the U.S. remains classified, i.e., secret, the public will inevitably be left empty-handed. The Schumer amendment was aimed precisely at solving this crucial problem, so that Disclosure could proceed more expeditiously, and it is certainly no coincidence that it was cancelled by politicians whose campaigns were funded by defense industries, i.e., precisely one of the components of this gray entity brought to light by Grusch's complaint and which could have been severely damaged by the Schumer amendment.
So those who complain in this way should keep the following in mind:
it will be virtually impossible for UFO/UAP-related documents/evidence to be formally released to the public, because anyone who publishes any classified item would be committing a criminal offense, as Edward Snowden well knows .
This is why the very few official UFO/UAP documents known to exist are leaked.
It should also be noted that the classification of any document is up to its author, who at the time of its creation chooses and affixes the classification level based on the amount of harm the national security would suffer if the document became publicly known. The act of classification takes a moment, just long enough to affix a label, while declassification takes years, if not decades (as we saw above in the case of the Durant Report), or ad hoc laws.
As we draw to the conclusion of this article, I would like once again, and even more sincerely, to thank Senator Chuck Schumer and colleagues Rounds, Rubio and Gillibrand for their dedication and commitment to the cause of institutional transparency on the UFO/UAP phenomenon in the US. They have concretely demonstrated that when the political will is there, great things can be accomplished.
Having said that, I would like to end this article with what is the essential recommendation for those who want to deal with Disclosure: